How to Support Siouxland Scanner

You can support my efforts to bring Local Metro Siouxland Public Safety news to you. Providing this service involves many costs, making it nearly impossible to do alone. Unlike most news sources backed by corporations and large advertising contracts, I rely solely on Facebook and Google ad revenue, as well as subscription models from Facebook and Patreon.

Subscription Options

  • Facebook Subscriptions: Become a supporter on Facebook for $4.99 a month to help defray costs.
  • Patreon Subscriptions: Become a supporter via Patreon starting at $3.00 a month (no benefits). Supporter benefits are available at the $5.00 or $10.00 level.

Direct Donations

Additional Ways to Support

Non-Monetary Support

If you can't help monetarily, you can still support me by liking, commenting on, and sharing my content on various media platforms.

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Your support helps cover costs such as hosting, cell phone data, fuel, equipment, and other expenses. My hope is to continue growing Siouxland Scanner and eventually have paid staff to assist with gathering information and writing articles. Currently, I have one person who helps on a limited basis.

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