For more than 2 and half hours Sunday afternoon Sioux City Police and Animal Control worked to capture a Rottweiler that had bitten a person who entered a garage they and the garage's owner did not know the dog was placed there.
The investigation continues as to whether there will be charges or who will be charged and what will happen to the dog now. The dog after being captured on the 600 block of Prescott Street after police received a call about the dog being spotted. With the help of the dog's owner ex the dog was safely taken into custody.
The dog escaped police and animal control on the 600 block of Burton Street after numerous attempts with food and treats to get close enough to snare and capture. The dog was tased after being aggressive with police and animal control, once tased the dog charged at an officer who then fired a single shot striking the dog in the shoulder.
The victim of the dog bite was treated and relased from the hosptial. Police are still looking for the dogs owner.
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