
Tips from Sioux City Police on preventing burglaries

The Sioux City Police Department posted the following tips on their Facebook Page on preventing burglaries.

In addition to their list, we'd add
- Don't post on social media that you are going to be away or while you're away
- Don't put new items boxes (trash) in plain view from
- Be sure you can't see inside your home through windows
- Join a Neighborhood Network Coalition

Please see the following information on ways to discourage burglars from choosing your residence. We also offer security assessments/surveys to residences and businesses within city limits.

Bright Ideas:
- Install lights by all exterior doors. Use lights all night.
- Install outside light fixtures where bulbs are hard to reach.
- Illuminate house numbers for quick emergency response.
- Trim shrubs back from doors and windows. Don’t give burglars a place to hide.
Vehicle Smarts:
- Close the garage door and cover windows so no one can see inside.
- Leave only the ignition key with parking lot attendants - if required.
- Hide the garage door opener from open view in your car.
Doors & Windows:
- Change the locks when moving into a new residence.
- Always lock your doors and windows.
- Give your neighbor the spare key - Don’t hide it outside.
- Use solid core or metal exterior doors.
- Install four-screw strike plates with three-inch screws to penetrate the wood door frame.
- Use dead bolt door locks on exterior doors and double cylinder dead bold locks if glass is within 3 feet of the lock.
- Add auxiliary track-type locks, removable drop bars, wooden dowels, or pinning devices to windows and sliding glass doors.
- Install Peepholes on doors with 160 degree views.
- Upgrade locks to defeat bump keying.
- Trim tree branches 6 feet off the ground.
- Prune shrubs to under 2 feet from the ground.
- Use motion sensors and photocells on exterior floodlights.
Personal Information:
- Keep valuables in a safe deposit box or locked safe.
Dealing With Strangers:
- Never let strangers enter your home.
- Verify workers by ID cards and calling their employer.
- Never give keys to workers.
- Never leave notes for anyone on the door.
While on Vacation:
- Hire a house sitter.
- Ask neighbors to help with your trash bins and newspaper.
- Install a UL approved and monitored residential alarm system.
- Park a neighbor’s car in your driveway.
- Use timers on indoor lights to give the impression you are home.
- Deliver merchandise to your neighbor’s house.
- Ask neighbors to watch your house while you are gone.
- Start a BLOCK WATCH group in your neighborhood!

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