
Attempted abduction in Bronson Iowa Monday Morning

Woodbury County Sheriff's Office says they took a report of an attempted child abduction Monday Morning November 12th.

A male student was walking to Lawton Bronson Elementary School when the attempt occurred. The suspect was described as a black male in his 20's to 30's with dreadlocks and a mole on his right cheek. He was clean shaven, wearing a tan colored coat and driving a white van.

No further information is being released at this time and the investigation is ongoing.

Email to parents from superintentent

About 11:15 today, we were informed of a possible child abduction in the Lawton-Bronson school district, earlier in the morning. As a precaution, all afternoon recesses will be held inside. Buses will run accordingly, this afternoon, however, the school is a safe location for your children, if you wish to pick your child up after school, please let us know and we will make arrangements for supervision, until you get here. If we receive any additional information, we will update you.

Please talk to your children about "stranger danger" and discuss with them what to do in the event something like this were to happen in our district. Thank you for being vigilant and reporting any suspicious activity to the proper authorities.

The information that was provided to us includes: The van was described as a White box van, rear door handles look welded. The student was approximately 1 block northwest of the Bronson school. A person tried to coax the 6th grade student into his white van. When the student refused, he attempted to grab him. The student ran to the school and reported the incident.

Mr. Scott Bailey, Superintendent

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